Monday, May 6, 2013

                                                                    Misjudging people
Yes I have. Actually I have done it more than just once. I pretty much misjudged all of my best friends, when I first met them. Not necessarily in a bad way, but I thought they would be different than they really are. And after I got to know them I saw and still see them totally different than before I didn’t know them. That’s why I think it is really important to talk to people and to get to know them, before judging them, because that’s what it takes to really be able to see the person they really are and not the person they seem to be.
From my hasty judgment I learned that I shouldn’t judge people from just for their looking or because they said something one time that I thought was weird, you have to get to know them until you can judge.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

One Simple Trick…
People all over the world have a lack of compassion and empathy. A good example is bullying at high schools.   There is nothing really society could do against it. The only thing to do is to remind people that everyone is different and you should try to consider things from the other person’s point of view, before you judge someone.  Atticus’ advice is not new for me, my mom already sold me to follow this advice and it really helped me. Always when I didn’t like someone I just try to see everything from that person’s view and it helped me understand, why this person might act like that.
I think it is necessary that Scout is an adult looking back at her childhood, because a child wouldn’t understand that many things and couldn’t explain stuff that happens that well.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Book Banning

I think none of these statements are true. I mean maybe he had an anti-business attitude, but this doesn’t affect the book and yes, the book is about a depressing theme, but it is good for us to know how people lived back in the 30’s and it might be depressing, but it is the truth. To me that book doesn’t seem to be worthless at all, because it teaches us about the past and only because we know about things that in the past happened, we don’t repeat them.

I think some books should be banned if their statement is for example totally racist, but not books like “Of Mice and Men”. If the book is just talking about racism, or telling a story about it, it shouldn’t be banned, because it only showed how reality is or was and it doesn’t tell us, we should be racist or whatever.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


1.       Crooks was sitting on his bed, Lennie still standing. The last time he had a feeling that good, as a long, long time ago, he couldn’t even remember. No he’s not a mean person, but it was maybe the only chance for the rest of his life to be “upon” a person, when he can play with a person’s mind and control him. That poor Lennie standing across to him, starring on the dirty, wooden ground, scared that George won’t come back. This only because he, Crooks the negro, told him so, what a good feeling.

2.       She was laying there on that pile of hay, still, her blue eyes wide open. Lennie could see life leaving her body in seconds she was white and all her warmth, her temper, was gone. What has he done? Another bad thing, but he really didn’t want that. For a moment the time stood still, the whole world. Then Lennie realized that he had to leave.

3.       Lennie looked over to the river like George told him, he always does what he is told. The water was clear and blue and now he could see it the little farm that they were dreaming of, the stove the chicken, the rabbits, everything was there. And then there was nothing anymore, he was dead.


1.       Crooks was sitting on his bed, Lennie still standing. The last time he had a feeling that good, as a long, long time ago, he couldn’t even remember. No he’s not a mean person, but it was maybe the only chance for the rest of his life to be “upon” a person, when he can play with a person’s mind and control him. That poor Lennie standing across to him, starring on the dirty, wooden ground, scared that George won’t come back. This only because he, Crooks the negro, told him so, what a good feeling.

2.       She was laying there on that pile of hay, still, her blue eyes wide open. Lennie could see life leaving her body in seconds she was white and all her warmth, her temper, was gone. What has he done? Another bad thing, but he really didn’t want that. For a moment the time stood still, the whole world. Then Lennie realized that he had to leave.

3.       Lennie looked over to the river like George told him, he always does what he is told. The water was clear and blue and now he could see it the little farm that they were dreaming of, the stove the chicken, the rabbits, everything was there. And then there was nothing anymore, he was dead.

Monday, April 8, 2013


I would always have something to eat and to drink with me, just to make sure, that I don’t have to be hungry, because if I’m hungry and don’t get anything to eat, I’m always depressed and if I didn’t have a home, I’d already be enough depressed. Then I would also have a small paper with all my friends’ and family’s adresses with me, so I could stay in contact with them and communicate per mail. Of course I’d also have pictures, so that I never forget them. Some body care products such as hairbrush and lotion can’t miss either. And the most important ones are toothbrush and toothpaste, because I can’t go out of the house without brushing my teeth!! I guess some clothes would also be nice to have and my favorite pillow, that I have since I was a baby. A book might be nice too, since I’d always be alone and wouldn’t have  anyone to talk to except for myself.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Life  takes  some  funny  twists  and  turns…

When I came back from my vacation in Italy, where my family and I have been staying for three weeks, I checked the mail for my mother and father, not expecting to find anything for me.  I actually didn’t want to do it, because the staples of commercials and old newspapers were huge, but my parents were really tired from driving eight hours all through the night and I slept almost the whole time.  I started going through it and after a while I found a letter with my name on it and in bright red was written down: You MAY Have Already Won!” I couldn’t think of any competition or lottery that I have been participating on, so I was pretty sure it was just a stupid joke of one of my friends. I opened the envelope and then I saw it: Again in a bright red, but with a larger font size stood the words: “You Won 500.-!” Now I totally remembered, on which competition I took part: it was a, by the school organized, music contest. That was so awesome!  I sang a duet with one of my best friends, because our singing teacher told us we should for a better grade, but we never thought we’d win it!